Jackson County’s Treatment Court Programs are designed to coordinate services intended to rehabilitate court-involved families and individuals. These programs seek to restore those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction and its impacts, and to facilitate their long-term societal success.
To that end, Addictions Recovery Center is a proud partner of Jackson County Community Justice, and provider of services for the Jackson County Recovery Opportunity Court (ROC).
The purpose of the ROC program is to reduce the adverse, criminal impacts of substance use disorder for residents of Jackson County, including reduced crime for the community and personal accountability leading to self-sufficiency for the individual.
A Probation Officer will supervise all ROC participants. Participants will be required to comply with all conditions of probation and to consent to search of self or home at their request.
Residential treatment can be required depending on assessment and therapeutic need.
All participants, except those currently in residential treatments, must attend a minimum of two verified community-based recovery support group meetings per week, and must obtain a recovery sponsor or coach.
All participants will be required to take random UA’s at the request of any program or treatment staff without exception.